«Фактически все пенсии, назначенные после 2017 года, исчислены неправильно»: эксперт объяснил, почему это так

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Pension Fund Unfairly Reduces Some Individuals’ Average Salary Indicator

The pension system is a vital aspect of the modern society, providing financial security for seniors and disabled individuals. In most developed countries, the pension fund is funded by contributions from both employees and employers during their working years. These contributions are then used to calculate the pension benefits that an individual is entitled to receive after retirement.

However, there have been reports of the pension fund making unfair adjustments to the average salary indicator, resulting in a decrease in pension benefits for certain individuals. This issue has raised concern and sparked debates among the public, as it goes against the very purpose of the pension fund — to support individuals in their retirement years.

The average salary indicator, also known as the «pensionable salary», is a crucial factor in determining the amount of pension benefits an individual will receive. It is calculated based on an individual’s income over their entire working life, taking into account their salary, bonuses, and other financial benefits. The pension fund uses this indicator as a basis for calculating the pension benefits, thus any changes made to it can significantly affect an individual’s retirement income.

According to recent reports, the pension fund has been unfairly reducing the average salary indicator for certain individuals. This is done by omitting certain income sources, such as bonuses, from the calculation. As a result, these individuals receive a lower average salary indicator, leading to a decrease in their pension benefits. This practice not only affects current pensioners but also has a long-term impact on future retirees who may also face a similar situation.

This unjust practice by the pension fund has caused distress and frustration among those affected. Many individuals have worked hard throughout their careers, putting in extra hours and efforts to earn these bonuses. However, their contributions towards their future pension benefits are not being fairly recognized by the pension fund. This not only undermines their hard work but also goes against the principles of fairness and equality that should be exercised by a public institution.

Moreover, these adjustments made by the pension fund are also discriminatory towards certain groups of individuals, particularly those working in the private sector. Public sector employees, who receive higher salaries and bonuses, are less affected by these changes compared to their private sector counterparts. This creates an unfair advantage and further widens the gap between the pension benefits received by these two groups.

The pension fund has defended these adjustments, stating that they are necessary to maintain the sustainability of the pension system. They claim that including bonuses in the average salary indicator would result in higher pension benefits, which the pension fund cannot sustain in the long run. However, this argument overlooks the fact that these bonuses are part of an individual’s income and should be treated as such in the calculation for their pension benefits.

In response to these criticisms, the pension fund’s officials have stated that they are reviewing the current policies and making necessary changes to address these concerns. While this is a step in the right direction, it is crucial for the pension fund to be transparent with its calculations and ensure that all income sources are fairly included in the average salary indicator.

In conclusion, the pension fund’s unfair reduction of the average salary indicator for certain individuals is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately. It not only goes against the very purpose of the pension system but also undermines the hard work and contributions of those affected. The pension fund must take necessary steps to rectify this issue and ensure that all individuals are treated fairly and equally in the calculation of their pension benefits. After all, the pension fund’s responsibility is to provide financial security and support for all retirees, regardless of their background or income sources during their working years.

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