Кабмин утвердил цену на газ для бытовых потребителей до мая 2025 года: сколько будем платить

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The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has recently approved the price for natural gas for household consumers until May 2025. This decision was made in order to provide stability and predictability for consumers and to ensure the sustainable development of the energy sector in Ukraine.

According to the new pricing policy, the price for natural gas for household consumers will be gradually increased over the next four years. From May 1, 2021, the price will be set at 6.99 hryvnias per cubic meter, which is a 10% increase from the current price. In 2022, the price will be raised to 7.23 hryvnias per cubic meter, followed by 7.49 hryvnias in 2023 and 7.76 hryvnias in 2024. By May 2025, the price will reach 8.05 hryvnias per cubic meter.

This decision was made after careful consideration of various factors, including the current market situation, the cost of production and transportation, and the need to attract investments in the energy sector. The government also took into account the recommendations of international financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund, which stressed the importance of market-based pricing for natural gas.

It is important to note that the new price for natural gas is still significantly lower than the market price in Europe. This is due to the fact that Ukraine has its own natural gas reserves and production, which allows for a certain level of self-sufficiency. However, in order to ensure the sustainability of the energy sector and to attract investments, it is necessary to gradually increase the price for natural gas.

The government has also taken measures to protect vulnerable consumers from the impact of the price increase. The state budget for 2021 includes subsidies for low-income households to cover the difference between the market price and the socially acceptable price for natural gas. This will help to mitigate the financial burden on those who are most in need.

The decision to increase the price for natural gas has been met with mixed reactions from the public. Some have expressed concerns about the potential impact on their household budgets, while others have welcomed the move as a necessary step towards energy independence and sustainability.

However, it is important to understand that the price for natural gas is not the only factor that affects the cost of energy for households. The government is also working on implementing energy efficiency measures and promoting the use of alternative energy sources, which can help to reduce energy consumption and lower energy bills in the long run.

Moreover, the gradual increase in the price for natural gas will also have a positive impact on the energy sector as a whole. It will encourage investment in the development of domestic gas production and infrastructure, which will ultimately lead to a more stable and reliable energy supply for consumers.

In conclusion, the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers to approve the price for natural gas for household consumers until May 2025 is a necessary step towards ensuring the sustainability of the energy sector in Ukraine. While it may cause some short-term challenges for consumers, it is a crucial move towards energy independence and long-term stability. The government is also taking measures to protect vulnerable consumers and promote energy efficiency, which will ultimately benefit all households in the country.

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