Царь умрет: расшифрованы пророчества со старинных табличек Древнего Вавилона

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The British Museum, located in the heart of London, is known for its vast collection of artifacts and treasures from around the world. One of its most prized possessions is a collection of ancient Babylonian tablets, dating back to 2000 BC, which have been carefully preserved and displayed for visitors to see and learn from.

The Babylonian civilization, located in what is now modern-day Iraq, was one of the most advanced and influential societies in the ancient world. They were known for their advancements in mathematics, astronomy, and literature, and their written language, cuneiform, is considered to be one of the earliest forms of writing. The Babylonian tablets, made of clay and inscribed with cuneiform writing, provide valuable insights into the daily lives, religious beliefs, and social structures of this fascinating civilization.

The British Museum’s collection of Babylonian tablets consists of over 130,000 pieces, making it one of the largest and most comprehensive collections in the world. These tablets were acquired by the museum in the 19th century, through a combination of excavations, purchases, and donations. Some of the tablets were discovered during archaeological digs in Iraq, while others were acquired from private collectors or other museums.

One of the most famous tablets in the collection is the Epic of Gilgamesh, which tells the story of a legendary hero who goes on a quest for immortality. This epic poem, written on 12 clay tablets, is considered to be one of the earliest works of literature in human history. It is also significant because it contains elements of the biblical flood story, which has led to speculation that it may have influenced the story of Noah’s Ark.

In addition to literary works, the Babylonian tablets in the British Museum also include administrative documents, economic records, and legal texts. These provide valuable insights into the organization and functioning of the Babylonian society, as well as their trade and commerce activities. The tablets also contain religious texts and prayers, which shed light on the spiritual beliefs and practices of the Babylonians.

The preservation and display of these ancient tablets is a testament to the British Museum’s commitment to educating the public about the rich and diverse cultures of the world. The museum has invested significant resources into the conservation and research of these artifacts, ensuring that they are available for future generations to study and appreciate.

Visitors to the British Museum can view these Babylonian tablets in the Department of the Middle East, which showcases the history and culture of the Near East, from ancient Mesopotamia to modern-day Iran. The tablets are displayed in glass cases, with detailed descriptions and explanations, allowing visitors to get a closer look at these fascinating pieces of history.

The British Museum also offers educational programs and resources for students and teachers, using the Babylonian tablets as a tool to teach about ancient civilizations and their contributions to human history. The museum’s website also features online resources and virtual tours, making the collection accessible to a wider audience.

In conclusion, the British Museum’s collection of Babylonian tablets is a valuable and significant part of the museum’s vast collection. These ancient artifacts provide a glimpse into the daily lives, beliefs, and achievements of the Babylonian civilization, and their preservation and display at the British Museum is a testament to their enduring cultural and historical significance. Visitors to the museum can experience the wonder and awe of this ancient civilization, and learn from its rich and diverse legacy.

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