Нидерланды разрешили Украине использовать оружие по россии

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Ukraine Can Use Our Weapons for Defense in Accordance with International Law, Says Minister of Defense Ruben Brekelmans in FAZ Interview

In a recent interview with FAZ, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Ruben Brekelmans, stated that Ukraine has the right to use our weapons for defense in accordance with international law. This statement comes at a critical time, as the country continues to face ongoing aggression from Russia and the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Minister Brekelmans emphasized that the use of our weapons by Ukraine would be in full compliance with international law and the country’s right to self-defense. He also stressed that Ukraine has the right to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity, especially in the face of aggression from a neighboring country.

The Minister’s statement comes after a series of discussions with Ukrainian officials, where they expressed their need for additional military support in the face of the ongoing conflict. With the recent escalation of violence in eastern Ukraine and ongoing tensions with Russia, Ukraine has been seeking increased support from its allies to strengthen its defense capabilities.

Minister Brekelmans also highlighted the importance of supporting Ukraine in its efforts to defend itself, as the country continues to face ongoing threats to its security. He stated that Ukraine has the right to use our weapons to protect its citizens and its land from any external aggression.

The Minister’s comments also come at a time when there has been an increase in military cooperation between Ukraine and our country. In recent years, we have provided Ukraine with military training, equipment, and support to enhance its defense capabilities. This cooperation has been crucial in helping Ukraine defend its borders and maintain its sovereignty.

Furthermore, Minister Brekelmans stressed that our country fully supports Ukraine’s aspiration to become a member of NATO. He stated that Ukraine’s membership in NATO would not only strengthen the country’s defense capabilities but also contribute to regional stability and security.

In light of the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, many have questioned the legality of Ukraine using our weapons for defense. However, Minister Brekelmans made it clear that Ukraine’s use of our weapons would be in accordance with international law and would only be used in the case of self-defense.

It is essential to note that our country has a longstanding commitment to upholding international law and supporting the sovereignty of other nations. We have consistently condemned any aggression towards Ukraine and have provided our support in their efforts to defend their land and people.

In conclusion, Minister Brekelmans’ statement reaffirms our country’s commitment to supporting Ukraine in its defense efforts. The use of our weapons by Ukraine for defense is in line with international law and their right to self-defense. As Ukraine continues to face ongoing threats to its security, it is crucial for the international community to stand with them and support their efforts to protect their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

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